Chief Nguaigba Samuel Akume holds, B.Ed at the University of Calabar, M.Ed Educational Management and M.Ed English Language all at the Benue State University. He is a Chief Lecturer in the Department of General Studies Education, College of Education Katsina-Ala, Benue State. His experience as a lecturer is over twenty years. He has lectured on part-time basis at Adikpo Open University Centre and Ugbokolo Polytechnic study Centre Katsina-Ala. Several Colleges have gained from his services as external Examiner.
In the main College, Chief Ngauigba has served as HOD in General Studies Education Department, and Centre for Continuing Education. The Educator also served the College as Departmental and School Examinations Officer, Chairman and Member of several Committees.
At the Centre for Undergraduate Studies, he has taught, and is still teaching several courses. He has served as the Pioneer Coordinator for Teaching Practice, Research Project, and General Studies Education Department.
Chief Nguaigba Samuel Akume is currently the Dean School of Education, College of Education Katsina-Ala, Benue State.